1. Killing of Cancer and Transformed Cells in vitro

To test the effects of the MEBO regenerative nutrients on cancer cells, in vitro experiments were conducted in cultures containing typical cancer cell lines, including solid tumor cell lines, lymphoma and leukemia cell lines. 

Typically, cancer cell lines were grown in normal culture medium and each cell line is divided into two groups: a treatment group and a control group.  The MEBO regenerative nutrients were added to the cancer cell cultures in the treatment group while the cancer cell cultures in the control group were maintained without adding any supplemental materials.  As shown in Figures 10.1.1-4, after 24 hours of exposure to the MEBO regenerative nutrients, solid tumor as well as leukemia cells in the treatment group manifested growth arrest with some cells showing the morphology of cell death.  In comparison, the cancer cells in the control group proliferated at a normal rate and demonstrated normal cancer cell morphology.  Prolonged exposure of the cancer cells (>48 hours) to the MEBO regenerative nutrients led to death of all cancer cells in the treatment group. 

Interestingly, the MEBO regenerative nutrients also exert the same growth-arrest and cell-killing effects on transformed cells, such as an immortalized artery endothelial cell line (IMDC) and an immortalized kidney epithelial cell line (Vero-E6).  As shown in Figures 10.1.5-6, after 24 hours of exposure to the MEBO regenerative nutrients, the transformed cells in the treatment group manifested growth arrest with some cells showing the morphology of cell death.  In comparison, the transformed cells in the control group proliferated at a normal rate and demonstrated normal transformed cell morphology.  Prolonged exposure of the transformed cells (>48 hours) to the MEBO regenerative nutrients led to death of all transformed cells in the treatment group.