1. Intrinsic regenerative potential of human body clinically validated by MEBO

It is a long-held belief that the b ody has a full capacity to regenerate at the early gestation stage of the fetus, much less so during late gestation stages and early childhood; and an adult human body substantially loses its ability to regenerate.  Instead, it goes down the default pathway of fibrotic repair which results in scarring and loss of physiological structure and function.  Gurtner et al. (2008) “Wound repair and regeneration” Nature 453:314-321. Gurtner et al. (2007) “Progress and potential for regenerative medicine” Annu. Rev. Med. 58:299-312.

Take the body’s response to wound injury for example.  According this prevalent belief in the field during the first two trimesters, the human fetus responds to injury by complete regeneration of the skin without scar formation.  However, as intrauterine development progresses, this ability is lost.  As shown in Figure 6.1.1, early fetal healing is characterized by complete regeneration of all cell types and correct architecture, whereas, with age, this regenerative capacity is lost and adult skin heals through scar formation.



As demonstrated in the clinical practice in the treatment of millions of wound patients, by using MEBO technologies and products, the injured skin and underlying tissue of adult humans can be regenerated with minimum scar formation and substantial restoration of physiological structure and function of the organ, including replaced skin appendages, orderly collagen fiber configuration, physiological networks of vascular and nerve.  Lost fingers/toes of adult patients can be regenerated with near complete restoration of structure and function, including bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, connective tissues, fingernails and skin.  As shown in Part VII of this book, recent preclinical and clinical data obtained by MEBO shows that internal organs of higher mammals and adult humans can be regenerated by oral delivery of MEBO products.

 There results indicate that brought out by using the innovative technology and products provided by MEBO, the hidden regenerative potential of the body is much stronger than previously expected and it can be harnessed to repair and restore lost or compromised function of tissue and organ to the body.

How does the body of a fully developed adult human regenerate tissues and organs when treated using MEBO technology and products?