June 13, 2018
The International Society of Regenerative Medicine and Wound Repair

The International Society of Regenerative Medicine and Wound Repair (ISRMWR) formally established on Feb. 27, 2018 (local time) in the State Capitol of the State of California in Sacramento of the U.S., is an American based borderlessplatform for Medical Professionals, Doctors, Researchers, and other sectors dedicating to the development and promotion of regenerative life science and medicine to find out the future of regenerative medicine. We are trying to pave the ways for hundreds and thousands of doctors, light up the hope for countless patients who need the power of regeneration from them to continue their journey of life.
We respect each individual study and use every effort to help people who expect regenerative medicine to change their lives. To mobilize international involvement and resources, ISRMWR will dedicate itself to building a community of shared future for regenerative medicine along with its international partners.
The regenerative life science has witnessed a rapid growth in the past decades. It represents a new hope for human health, but the public lacks understanding of this scientific field. And the support from the government and the societyis far from enough. This becomes a major hurdle for the development of regenerative life science and ultimately affects the benefits of patients who could be saved.
To address the urgent issue, young entrepreneur Kevin Xu, an entrepreneur and social activist who dedicates to the research and inherit of regenerative life science established the ISRMWR with the support of California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) and Harvard Medical School BIDMC Rongxiang Xu Center for Regenerative Therapeutics.
To promote the regenerative life science, ISRMWR will carry out the work from the following fields: R&D, education, policy making, clinical development, cultural communication and philanthropy. We hope, more medical experts,organizations and units, and social forces will get involved in the health undertaking to contribute their efforts to the betterment of human life quality.