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June 19, 2023

Kevin Attended the Clinton Foundation Annual Gala

  On June 15, 2023, Eastern Time, the Clinton Foundation Annual Gala was held. Kevin Xu, Chairman of MEBO Group, was invited to attend it, where he had a  discussion with Clinton regarding cooperation for APEC 2023. They also made plans to attend the 120th anniversary of the Rhodes Scholars program at the University of Oxford, which is scheduled to take place on June 29.

  During this gathering, leaders and experts from various fields, including Clinton, Hillary Clinton, engaged in dialogue to discuss expanding economic opportunities, addressing the climate crisis, improving public health, and encouraging citizen engagement and participation in more projects. They also highly affirmed the diverse impact of the CGI (Clinton Global Initiative).

  Building an open, inclusive, and vibrant ecosystem of partnerships is MEBO's guiding principle. As a corporate partner and committee member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2023 conference, MEBO Group, engaged in in-depth discussions with Clinton on how to leverage their respective strength to promote high-quality, sustainable, and inclusive development in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. With the approaching of 120th anniversary of the Rhodes Scholars program at the University of Oxford, the "The Kevin Xu Global Initiative on Science, Technology, and Inequality " of Rhodes College will also gather with numerous Rhodes Scholars, technology leaders, charitable organizations, and policy experts at Rhodes College to renew friendships and discuss collaboration.
  Currently, the American Burn Association (ABA) and the International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI) have officially joined an initiative initiated by Kevin Xu and Clinton to help promote European disaster prevention and relief mechanisms and enhance wound management capabilities in Europe.