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May 29, 2024

Kevin Xu and Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan Witness MOU Signing between HKSAR and Bay Area Council

San Francisco, California - On May 28, 2024, a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Bay Area Council in San Francisco. This significant event was attended by Kevin Xu, Emeritus Chair of APEC and Executive Committee member of the Bay Area Council, alongside Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of Hong Kong. The MOU aims to foster mutual benefits through innovation and sustainable development, enhancing cooperation between Hong Kong and the San Francisco Bay Area in investment promotion.

Boosting Economic Synergy

The Bay Area, a pivotal driver of the global economy, consists of cities that are central hubs for innovation and capital. The collaboration between the San Francisco Bay Area and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area—both dynamic, world-class urban clusters and centers of technological innovation and finance—promises to invigorate the regional economy. This partnership is set to become a formidable engine for economic growth.


MEBO Group’s Commitment to Global Bay Area Development

As a member of the Global Bay Area Planning Committee (GBAL), MEBO Group is committed to tackling various challenges faced by global bay areas. The group focuses on the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the San Francisco Bay Area. MEBO actively engages in projects addressing climate change, health, and economic development across the Pacific region, promoting mutual benefits for both areas.


Event Highlights

The event was co-hosted by the Bay Area Council and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in San Francisco. The ceremony featured a welcome speech by Ms. Jacko Tsang, Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, San Francisco, followed by remarks from a representative of the Bay Area Council. Keynote speeches and a Q&A session were conducted by Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of Hong Kong. A panel discussion moderated by Sean Randolph, Senior Director of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, included notable panelists Mr. Hui Wai Chi, Kenneth, Executive Director (External) of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Ms. Glenda So, Co-Head of Markets at Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, and Mr. Chan Sze Yuen, Eric, Chief Public Mission Officer of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited. The event concluded with a networking session.

This historic collaboration marks a new chapter in strengthening the ties between these two influential regions.



About MEBO

Founded in 1987 by Professor Rongxiang Xu, a distinguished Chinese life scientist, MEBO Group is a multinational headquartered in both China and the USA. It integrates research, development, and sales across the pharmaceuticals, medical devices, health foods, and cosmetics sectors.

At its core, MEBO focuses on regenerative life sciences, innovating with over 100 patents and more than ten joint research bases to enhance and enable the body's own regenerative abilities.

As a leader in regenerative life science, MEBO's extensive research facilities and products impact over 100 countries globally, pioneering new frontiers in the regenerative life world.


About Bay Area Council

The Bay Area Council, a non-profit organization with significant influence in Northern California, holds considerable sway across the business, governmental, and academic sectors of the San Francisco Bay Area. Comprising leaders from these spheres, the council is dedicated to fostering collaboration to assess and understand economic trends, propose initiatives that influence the Bay Area's economic and business landscape, and address broader societal issues. Their goal is to make the Bay Area one of the most innovative, globally competitive, inclusive, and sustainable regions in the world.

The Bay Area Council plays a crucial role in facilitating cooperation between California and China. Kevin Xu has leveraged this platform to enhance cultural and trade relations between California and China through various Sino-American international events and activities.

In 2023, the Bay Area Council's APEC Task Force was officially launched, with MEBO Group's Chairman and Co-Chair of the APEC Host Committee, Kevin Xu, elected as its chair. During APEC, a five-day conferences and activities in California and Silicon Valley was co-hosted, further strengthening ties within the Asia-Pacific region. MEBO International has also deepened trade connections with the Bay Area Council through the MEBO International Trade and Service Sharing Platform (MEBOGO), which has become a vital bridge for international businesses entering China, including those from California.