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May 23, 2024

Li Li Joins San Francisco Mayor's Welcome Ceremony for Shanghai Delegation

China-California Business Forum Fosters Trade Relations

On May 20, 2024, the China-California Businiess Forum kicked off in California, USA. This pivotal event united over 500 political and business leaders from China and the United States. The forum aimed to foster practical cooperation in trade and investment between California and various Chinese provinces and cities, significantly enhancing local economic and trade exchanges between the two nations.

The following day, San Francisco Mayor London Breed hosted a grand welcome ceremony at the San Francisco City Hall for Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng. Li Li, Vice-Chairman of the Board of MEBO Group and an active participant in Sino-US economic and trade exchanges, was among the distinguished invitees.

San Francisco-Shanghai Sister Cities Association Member Yin Jicheng (left), Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng (second from left), San Francisco Mayor London Breed (second from right), Vice-Chairman of the Board of MEBO Group Li Li (right)


Strengthening Sino-US Sister City Ties

San Francisco and Shanghai, the first sister cities to establish a friendly relationship between China and the United States, have continually worked towards the "San Francisco Vision." They have jointly promoted over 200 cooperative projects across various industries. Events like "Shanghai Week in SF" and "SF Week in Shanghai" have become significant cultural exchange bridges.

Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng (left), Chinese Consul General in San Francisco Zhang Jianmin (centre), and MEBO Group Board Member Li Li (right) engaging in a friendly conversation


Notable attendees of the welcome ceremony included SFglobal Executive Chair Zhao Cuiwei, San Francisco-Shanghai Sister City Committee Chair Huang Fan, small business representative Chen Zhanming, Chinatown Chamber of Commerce President Shao Qiqian, and Asian Pacific Historical and Cultural Foundation Chair Zheng Kexin. Together, they marked a new chapter in Sino-US economic cooperation.


MEBO Group's Role in Cultural Integration

Since the successful meeting between the leaders of China and the United States in San Francisco during APEC week in November 2023, both sides have reached a consensus on the "San Francisco Vision." MEBO Group, headquartered in both China and the United States, exemplifies new types of friendly relations between the two countries. The company significantly contributes to promoting cultural integration, facilitating mutual visits, enhancing local community development, and advancing mutually beneficial economic and cultural opportunities.

On the same day, Li Li represented MEBO International as a board member of the Bay Area Council at the exclusive California-Shanghai Business Luncheon. Held at the Bay Area Council's headquarters on the Klamath, this event aimed to strengthen regional cooperation and promote economic vitality to tackle global challenges collectively.


Some context:

San Francisco Mayor London Breed and Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng Sign Memorandum of Understanding Renewing Sister City Relationship




About MEBO

Founded in 1987 by Professor Rongxiang Xu, a distinguished Chinese life scientist, MEBO Group is a multinational headquartered in both China and the USA. It integrates research, development, and sales across the pharmaceuticals, medical devices, health foods, and cosmetics sectors.

At its core, MEBO focuses on regenerative life sciences, innovating with over 100 patents and more than ten joint research bases to enhance and enable the body's own regenerative abilities.

As a leader in regenerative life science, MEBO's extensive research facilities and products impact over 100 countries globally, pioneering new frontiers in the regenerative life world.