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August 24, 2023

MEBO Volunteer Service Corps Donated to Xian County

  On August 8th, following MEBO Group's charitable donation to the flood relief efforts in Zhuozhou, the MEBO Volunteer Service Corps once again reached out hands to Xian County of Hebei province.
  Xian County, located downstream in the flood-prone area of the Hutuo River. It is a crucial flood storage and detention zone and has played important role during the battle against floods. In these days, people of all 48 villages in the county voluntarily relocated to help to overcome natural disasters.
  This flood tested not only our determination but also our spirit. Numerous businesses and individuals showed their compassion, sense of mission, and responsibility during the disaster. They supported Xian County and Hebei in their own ways.
  On that day, MEBO Volunteer Service Corps walked through mud-covered roads and finally arrived in the disaster-stricken Xian County. They donated  MEBO Sesame Beverage to the Red Cross Society of Xian County, which was deeply moved and warmly welcomed MEBO Volunteer Service Corps.
  The donation carries the love and blessings of the MEBOers, bringing nutrition and health to the people in the disaster-stricken area and providing  inspiration and support to them.
  MEBO Volunteer Service Corps upholds MEBO Group's sense of social responsibility and mission and inherits the humanitarian spirit of Professor Xu Rongxiang's. It will participate in more rescue efforts in major incidents nationwide, assuming more social responsibilities.
  Throughout history, disasters have never defeated a nation with faith. As long as we join hands, we can build an indestructible levee to keep the floodwater away from our homeland.
  Let us contribute our strength for Hebei, for Xian County, and for all those affected by the disaster. May our country have a better tomorrow!